Principal's Message

A Message from our Principal

Pictures from Around Chesnee MiddleWelcome to Chesnee Middle School! We appreciate you taking time to visit our website and hope you will find it to be user friendly and informative while providing insight to the excellent programs and opportunities and talented students and staff that make CMS an outstanding place to thrive.

I am honored to serve as Principal for the 2024-2025 school year, and I am certain we will achieve great things as we continue to learn and grow. My foremost priority is to provide a safe, healthy and challenging educational experience for the students entrusted to our care. Our teachers and staff are committed to preparing your student for success upon graduation. We appreciate your support and involvement as we strive to ensure our school meets the needs of all students. The success of our students relies on partnerships and shared commitments of our families and the community.

I encourage you to contact me if I can be of assistance in any way. I look forward to an outstanding year!

Laura Wyatt

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